
“UNjust Transition” launched by Fairness Alberta
‘UNJUST TRANSITION’ CAMPAIGN HITS ONTARIO Overregulating Canada’s Energy Hurts the World EDMONTON, AB, June 16, 2022– Fairness Alberta has launched its “Unjust Transition” national public

Fairness Alberta Equalization Budget News Release
BUDGET 2022: RECORD EQUALIZATION PAYMENTS RISING 23% Equalization in Canada becomes even more unfair, unaffordable, and unnecessary EDMONTON, AB, April 11, 2022– Equalization payments in

Campaign: Ottawa Must Open Equalization Negotiations Now!
Albertans’ Clear Referendum Win October 18 Being Unfairly Ignored Edmonton, AB, March 15, 2022 – Today, Fairness Alberta launched a campaign demanding the federal government acknowledge

Edmonton, AB, March 8, 2022 – Today, Fairness Alberta called on all parties in Ottawa to support Elections Canada’s independent report on adding new seats

Bill Bewick: B.C. being treated unfairly by Canada’s equalization program
Check out this article from The Province. Read the full story

Dr. Bewick Guest Column: Liquid gas firepit at a liquid gas protest? You can’t make this stuff up.
Check out this article from the Edmonton Sun.. Read the full story