Parliament Hill in Ottawa with Parliamentary and Departmental Buildings

NOVEMBER 16, 2023 (EDMONTON, AB) – Today, Fairness Alberta Executive Director Dr. Bill Bewick is giving federal pre-budget testimony outlining the need for reasonable accommodation for Albertans on climate policies to protect Canada’s economic future and national unity.
Dr. Bewick was invited by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance to be a witness at its pre-budget consultation in Edmonton. “My focus will be on how these unfair and impossible demands on our energy sectors threaten Albertans’ future, federal finances, and national unity” he said.
Recent federal policy calls for the oil and gas sector to cut carbon emissions 42% by 2030, and electrical generators to cut them entirely by 2035.  Analysts largely concur that the 42% target cannot be met in seven years without significant cuts to oil and gas production. 
Alberta, like Saskatchewan, does not have nuclear or large hydro power, so decarbonization of the electrical grid by 2035 is either impossible or prohibitively expensive. “The timelines for these arbitrary and massive infrastructure demands on our energy sectors are even more unfair when you think about how much federal red tape they would need to get through,” Dr. Bewick added, noting that the overreaching Bill C-69 is now being redrawn to be in compliance with the Constitution.
“Alberta is the economic engine of Canada, and Alberta taxpayers contribute billions more to federal coffers each year than we get back in federal spending – we deserve reasonable accommodation on these devastatingly unfair policies. Without reasonable accommodation you will damage Canada’s economy, finances, and unity,” Dr. Bewick said.
Members of this prominent House of Commons Committee are meeting at the Westin Edmonton from 8:45am-noon. To see the full list of witnesses click here. You can watch live (roughly 10:50am at:
For media enquiries or a copy of Dr. Bewick’s remarks:
[email protected]

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